Duxbury for All Code of Conduct

We ask all active participants in Duxbury for All (DfA) to adhere to the following principles, which will help guide our behavior, promote our objectives and protect the image of the organization. 


We encourage the creation of safe spaces to discuss our mission and methods. Expressions of personal feelings and opinions shared in meetings of the Steering Committee or Working Groups are to remain confidential. 

Expanding DfA’s reach

We encourage all of our supporters to speak out about issues of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), to encourage others to join DfA, and to share links to events we promote or support. As a DfA supporter, you may be asked to attend private or public meetings to discuss some of these issues. In doing so, we ask that you follow our guidelines, that are designed to further our mission, and protect all involved: 

  • Please focus on the positive aspects of our mission – promoting DEI – and avoid calling out individuals for acts of discrimination.

  • Assume our partners in Duxbury Town Government, the schools, Duxbury Interfaith Council, the Library, Senior Center, etc. are trying to do the right thing, and don’t immediately judge them for not taking the “right” action or acting quickly enough, until the situation is fully understood.

  • Please communicate our Vision and Mission Statement (shown on our website), and share information about DfA activities, but when expressing opinions make clear they are your own and not necessarily those of DfA.

  • If you are asked for DfA’s position on any important matter, and are unsure how to answer, please reply that you will review the issue with the Steering Committee members before responding.

Social media

Content on DfA’s website, Facebook page or other social media is managed by our Communications Chair. 

If you have appropriate information to be considered for posting, please forward it to the Communications Chair. 

We encourage you to share DfA’s information on your social media platforms. 

If you make original postings on social media, please feel free to mention your support of DfA, but your statements cannot be attributed to the organization unless they have been approved by the Communications Chair or Steering Committee. 

Please take care when sharing other sources of information unless you are sure of their provenance. It is best not to share inaccurate or inappropriate information that could cause unintended controversy for DfA. 

Individual incidents of discrimination

To help inform our mission and plans, we encourage all members of the community to confidentially share with us their experiences. Individual examples of discrimination are the best way for us to form a picture of systemic problems. 

If you become aware of an incident, please bring it to the attention of the Steering Committee as quickly as possible. 

If you are approached by a member of the community who has a complaint or criticism relating to any relevant matter, please advise them that DfA will have an appropriate member meet with them to discuss their concerns, who may be able to advise on how the issue might be addressed. DfA is not, however, able to act as spokesperson for individuals or represent them in dealings with other entities. 

Issues of public interest

DfA intends to educate and inform the community about issues that affect its mission of promoting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. 

If you become aware of any such issue, please bring it to the attention of a member of the Steering Committee as quickly as possible. 

The Steering Committee has a procedure for issuing statements in response to matters of local, regional or national importance, and will appoint a spokesperson to respond to any media enquiries. Please refer any media enquiries to the designated spokesperson. 

April 2021 (updated August 2022)